Everyone moves, but not everyone moves with ease. Through yoga, students of all levels can gain flexibility, improve balance, and increase strength. This Warrior 1 flow sequence was specifically designed to open the hips, hamstrings, and heart, honoring the body with classic transitions and clean lines.
Ensure you properly warm up before beginning this sequence (we suggest four Sun Salute A’s and two complete Sun Salute B’s). Once you begin the sequence, it’s important that you take your time as you move through the poses. Complete full breath cycles as you move through the Sun Salutes to properly prepare your body for the peak poses, paying extra attention to the upward and downward-facing dogs. Also, be sure to focus on the correct form and engaging your muscles instead of how deep you can stretch. As you progress, your movements will become more fluid and much more in tune with your body and mind.
The Warrior I Flow Sequence
Complete the sequence on your right side, then repeat on your left side.
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Meet Caramia Tambornino
A yoga teacher since 2009, Caramia Tambornino Caramia believes every yoga experience can be powerful. She began practicing this ancient discipline as a teenager in the 1970s and, after years of practice, she began to share her love of yoga as a teacher at ClubSport Pleasanton, Renaissance ClubSport Walnut Creek, and The Studio in Danville. To Caramia, yoga is a continually evolving journey that requires consistent practice to achieve a healthy body and stable mind, and she encourages students to explore the guiding principles of compassion and mindfulness.