Socialize Your Way to Better Health

Socialize Your Way to Better Health

If you care about your health, then you may already know that your social interactions and relationships play a key role in improving your mental and physical health. Our social connections can enhance our health in ways we may not even realize. How can you reap these...
Finding Fiddy: Family Swim

Finding Fiddy: Family Swim

I can swim! It took me over 31 years to be able to say that short three-word phrase – 25 of those basically due to my fear of water – but I can finally call myself a swimmer. If you followed my short blog series on learning to swim as an adult from a couple of years...
9 Fitness Apps to Get Fit

9 Fitness Apps to Get Fit

There are plenty of ways to lose weight, whether it’s by tracking every calorie you put in your body, jumping on the trendiest workout, or enlisting the help of the baddest personal trainer around. And now, thanks to smartphones and tablets, it’s easier than ever to...
Must Reads for the Fitness Minded

Must Reads for the Fitness Minded

New Year, new you, new goals. And what better way to boost your motivation and commitment than with the words of a scribe far wiser than you on a specific topic? Whether you want to learn to cook more nutritious (and easy) meals, build strength in the gym, to live a...