Featured Workout

Personal Trainer Ben Morris doing an exercise as part of the Recovery Intervals Workout of the Month

Recovery Intervals Workout

Squats are a cornerstone exercise in many fitness routines, renowned for their ability to build strength, enhance muscle tone, and improve overall physical performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone just starting their journey towards better health, improving your squat technique and strength can offer a multitude of benefits. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why squats are so vital and provide a comprehensive workout plan to help you elevate your squat game.

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Nutrition & Wellness Articles

Nasty or Nutritional? Edible Weeds that Support Your Health

Nasty or Nutritional? Edible Weeds that Support Your Health

By Doug Jaser, Nutritionist at Renaissance ClubSport Walnut Creek Eating weeds is probably one of the last things on your mind. In fact, they are, by most accounts, undesirable. Consider this dreary definition: “A valueless plant growing wild.” But the dictionary...

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Fitness Articles

The Plan to Silence Self-Sabotage for Good

The Plan to Silence Self-Sabotage for Good

There's a voice in your head – sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious – that, when you're on the brink of starting a health or fitness program, will say "I can't do it," "I'm afraid I'll fail," or "I'll start next week." These and the countless other excuses...

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Upper Body and Core Strength

Upper Body and Core Strength

By Shoshana Gordon, ClubSport Oregon Personal Trainer Improve strength and stability with this month’s workout. Practically guaranteed to make you superhero strong — or, at the very least, enable you to open up that jar of cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving dinner. The...

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Lifestyle Articles

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Rev32 Articles

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All Articles

Transforming Stephanie: Making Moves and Muscle Muffins

Transforming Stephanie: Making Moves and Muscle Muffins

Week 2 of Rev32 means … DAIRY! I’m excited that I’ll be able to reintroduce dairy into my diet because it means I can eat Greek yogurt and string cheese again. The program required us to do without it for the first week to see if we were allergic or intolerant to it. I know I’m not either of those, but I still wanted to follow the guidelines.

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Transforming Stephanie: Squats and Sparkling Water

Transforming Stephanie: Squats and Sparkling Water

They say that the best way to tell a story is to start at the beginning, so here we go. As I walked into ClubSport for day one of the first week of Rev32, I couldn’t help but feel excited. I was definitely ready to begin the program. That first session started with a weigh-in, which, for me, was pretty uneventful, since I already had an idea of what my number would be.

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Transforming Stephanie: Why I Need Rev32

Transforming Stephanie: Why I Need Rev32

I’m a nurse in a pediatric ICU department and a busy mother of four in a household that both my husband and I work to sustain. Because countless other things take priority, taking care of myself tends to sink to the bottom of the list. Like many women, it’s the gained and unlost baby weight that brought me to Rev32. Let’s stop here for a second and rewind it back to give you the full story.

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