Featured Lifestyle Article

Unlock the Power of Togetherness with the Friends Resort Membership

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining connections with our loved ones can be a challenge. Recognizing this, ClubSport has introduced an exciting new membership option – the Friends Resort Membership. This innovative membership allows you to share your fitness journey with someone in or outside your household, such as a friend, colleague, cousin, or your favorite person while enjoying reduced dues per member. Let’s explore the myriad benefits of this new membership type and how it can transform your fitness experience.

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Nutrition & Wellness Articles

5 Easy Steps for Choosing the Right Supplements

5 Easy Steps for Choosing the Right Supplements

When done right, nutritional supplements can dramatically impact your health and quality of life, even if you’re already dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s when it comes to your diet. That’s because, while a diet rich in whole foods should provide you with all the...

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Fitness Articles

Celebrating the Planet Through Fitness

Celebrating the Planet Through Fitness

Earth Day is quickly approaching and we hope you will consider spending April 22nd outside getting fit in the sun! Ready to make your workout green? Here are some ways to do it: Be sure to get outdoors! Take a Hike: Hiking combines the benefits of a treadmill and...

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TRX for Obstacle Course Racing (OCR)

TRX for Obstacle Course Racing (OCR)

By Krag Rasmussen, ClubSport Fremont Wellness Director with Brenda Bennett, ClubSport Fremont Personal Trainer Obstacle course race season is in full swing. Last month’s workout used various tools to get OCR newbies and vets in top shape for race day, so in this...

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Rev32 Articles

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UCAN Feel Better

UCAN Feel Better

For marathoners and all athletes, fueling properly before competition is more important than ever to avoid energy depletion midway through the contest. To that extent, UCAN, a nutritional supplements company based out of Connecticut, has developed a super starch made from non-GMO cornstarch. This high-grade, completely absorbable cornstarch is specially formulated through hydrothermal (heat-moisture) technology. It is engineered to release energy slowly over time, avoiding the spike in insulin that all sugar-infused drinks cause.

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Trick-or-Treat Full Body Burn

Trick-or-Treat Full Body Burn

This month’s workout is meant for all of you ghouls and goblins who give in to the sugary temptation that comes with Halloween. It’s made up of two bags of tricks (full body exercise circuits) followed by a treat (active recovery), and while it’s not nearly as fun as stuffing your face with your kid’s tiny candy bars, you’ll be happy you did it in the days leading up to All Hallow’s Eve. For this workout, you’ll need either a Terra Core or BOSU Balance Trainer, a set of dumbbells, and a medicine ball. Superhero costume optional. Enjoy!

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Fighting Inflammation From the Kitchen

Fighting Inflammation From the Kitchen

Our bodies possess many wondrous abilities, and among them is the capacity to heal itself. When we suffer an injury or infection, our bodies will respond with inflammation, a cascade of proteins that work to bring blood flow to an area to speed up the healing process and repair cellular damage. You’re undoubtedly familiar with the signs of inflammation — swelling, redness, heat, and pain — from common ailments like a bumped elbow, scraped knee, or sore throat. However, if this process occurs over a long period in a dysregulated way, this now chronic inflammation can then cause pain or even tissue damage. Many chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes are now being linked to the root cause of chronic inflammation.

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Warrior I Flow for Hips, Hamstrings, and Heart

Warrior I Flow for Hips, Hamstrings, and Heart

Everyone moves, but not everyone moves with ease. Through yoga, students of all levels can gain flexibility, improve balance, and increase strength. This sequence was specifically designed to open the hips, hamstrings, and heart and honor the body with classic transitions and clean lines.

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Transforming Divya: Taking Charge of My Health and Fitness

Transforming Divya: Taking Charge of My Health and Fitness

As a kid, I was never super skinny, but I wasn’t overweight either. Eventually, “life happened” and, after finishing grad school, all of my time became consumed with the usual grind, and made no time to take care of myself. I put everything before me: job, home, and my kids. Somehow, my annual physical exam and tests came out aces — my physician even said I had the heart rate of an Olympic athlete! So for years, I convinced myself that I was just fat on the outside but fit on the inside.

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