Featured Workout

Personal Trainer Ben Morris doing an exercise as part of the Recovery Intervals Workout of the Month

Recovery Intervals Workout

Squats are a cornerstone exercise in many fitness routines, renowned for their ability to build strength, enhance muscle tone, and improve overall physical performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone just starting their journey towards better health, improving your squat technique and strength can offer a multitude of benefits. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why squats are so vital and provide a comprehensive workout plan to help you elevate your squat game.

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Nutrition & Wellness Articles

5 Reasons to Take Nutritional Supplements

5 Reasons to Take Nutritional Supplements

Should you supplement your diet with, well, supplements? Studies show that doing so can make a dramatic impact on your health. People take supplements to be healthy, lose weight, gain weight, or achieve any number of health goals. Supplements should complement your...

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Fitness Articles

Turkey Trot for Fitness

Turkey Trot for Fitness

Before you dig into piping hot turkey and mashed potatoes this Thanksgiving, get your run on with one of these Turkey Trots. Usually held on Thanksgiving morning, these running events have grown in popularity in recent years to the point where they have become as...

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The Strength Training Workout for Every Body

The Strength Training Workout for Every Body

By Chris Wulff, ClubSport San Jose Personal Trainer and the Lead F3 Coaches Strength training may seem like a daunting affair that should be attempted only by those brave enough to enter the weight room; however, the fact is anyone can become stronger anywhere using...

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Lifestyle Articles

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Rev32 Articles

Transforming Stephanie: Making Moves and Muscle Muffins

Transforming Stephanie: Making Moves and Muscle Muffins

By Stephanie Jullien, Member of Renaissance ClubSport Walnut Creek Week 2 of Rev32 means … DAIRY! I'm excited that I'll be able to reintroduce dairy into my diet because it means I can eat Greek yogurt and string cheese again. The program required us to do without it...

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All Articles

Nutrition for Kids: Tips for Parents

Nutrition for Kids: Tips for Parents

Aaah, Grandma’s spaghetti sauce, hot chicken soup, chips and salsa, grilled cheese and tomato soup with goldfish on top … comfort foods are a wonderful thing and we can all name a quick handful of our favorites, accompanied by a childhood memory of love to go with it. Flash forward and it’s our turn to create those associations for our children, those comforting foods that they will forever return to when they crave an emotional hug or celebration. This is a huge opportunity to provide a healthful choice for our kids that will last a lifetime and, with enough intention, we can make a big difference in their adult lives.

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Full Body TRX Circuit

Full Body TRX Circuit

Never boring, never easy, always challenging — that’s what you get with a TRX workout. Utilized by some of the fittest people on the planet (including pro athletes and military members) because of its versatility, the TRX allows you to seamlessly incorporate lower, upper, and core muscles for total body workouts with unparalleled benefits. Try this month’s workout and see how quickly you start building strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility from head to toe.

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Benefits of Dry Brushing and How to Do It

Benefits of Dry Brushing and How to Do It

Many of us spend a fair amount of time getting ready in the morning, and if we compared our routines, they would probably be quite similar: shower, blow dry, brush teeth, a little touch of make-up, and off we go. But there is something I discovered while training as a nutritional therapist that has become part of my morning ritual. It’s called dry brushing, and to borrow a phrase from Martha Stewart, it’s a really good thing!

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Smart Carb Tips

Smart Carb Tips

Within the realm of low-carb, there is no one-size-fits-all. Instead, you must find your body’s sweet spot for carb intake and timing. Do a quick Google search and you’ll find that there are various formulas out there to help you figure out what your ideal carb intake should be. These formulas, however, aren’t entirely accurate because everyone’s body and lifestyle are so different.

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