Celebrating the Planet Through Fitness

Apr 19, 2018 | Fitness

A woman hiking through the forrest

Earth Day is quickly approaching and we hope you will consider spending April 22nd outside getting fit in the sun! Ready to make your workout green? Here are some ways to do it:

Be sure to get outdoors!

Take a Hike: Hiking combines the benefits of a treadmill and stair climber into one. You can intensify the hike with a jog or a harder trail if it seems easy.

Do Yoga: Though yoga is usually done inside a studio, it can be even more gratifying outdoors. Practicing yoga outside means you lose the safe and familiar space of a studio and are vulnerable to what’s going on around you. This forces you to control your reactions, deepening your practice.

Go Swimming: Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints.

Hit the Track: Visit your local field or track to do line drills, sprints, inchworms, and lunges.

Find Inspiration in nature.

Believe it or not, there are quite a few exercises you can do with common items you’d find in the forest or anywhere else outdoors. Use a park bench or a low tree branch for triceps dips. Or make a curb your temporary gym step with sets of step-ups. Even try picking up a few rocks!

Be one with the trees.

Why not head to the park? Find a tree with bark that won’t cut you or rip from the trunk, reinvent the wall sit, OR try a military press. Start in a pushup position facing away from the tree. Keeping your chin tucked, walk your hands toward the tree while walking your feet up the trunk. Finish in a handstand position.

Keep the car parked.

Consider walking to work. Of course, if your commute is too long, try biking, or jogging. Whatever way you choose, you can’t go wrong. They’re all great cardio workouts and help reduce blood pressure, improve circulation, and mobility, and, of course, burn calories.

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