The Easy Gleason

Aug 27, 2016 | Workouts

Male Trainer doing a bodyweight squat

Don’t let the title fool you — The Easy Gleason gets tough quickly! This workout starts you off slow and steady but, before you know it, you’re in a mad scramble in a race against the clock. The purpose of The Easy Gleason is to use compound movements that target large amounts of muscle mass to develop muscular endurance. Best of all, it incinerates fat during your workout and continues to burn calories long after.

Remember to keep track of your numbers; you can use them as the benchmark to beat the next time you do the workout.

The Workout

With a continuously running clock, do one rep of each exercise in the first minute, two reps of each exercise in the second minute, three reps of each exercise in the third minute, and so on. Continue in that manner until you cannot complete an equal amount of reps for both exercises in one minute. That is one round. Complete two rounds with a five-minute rest in between.


Exercise A: Body Weight Squat
Exercise B: Push-Up


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